
Food Chain


Feathers beat Waves.   Waves beat Tracks. Tracks beat Feathers.  Bones beat Feathers, Waves and Tracks.  Leaves beat Bones. Feathers, Waves and Tracks beat Leaves.

Cards with a higher numerical value beat cards of the same suite with a lower numerical value.

Crown cards are judged by their numerical value.

Fate cards beat all other cards. A Fate card can beat another fate card.


Each player is dealt 4 cards. And the deck is placed in the centre of play.

The player to the left of the dealer begins a chain by playing a card face up.

Play proceeds to the left.

Each player places a new card face up on the chain that beats the last card played.

 If a player is unable to beat the last card played the unbeaten player collects all cards from the chain into their FOOD PILE.

All players draw back up to 4 cards.

The winning player starts the next chain.

If all players run out of cards without the chain being won all players draw back to 4 cards and continue playing on the existing chain.

If there are not enough cards remaining in the deck for all players return to a 4 card hand, players draw so that all their hands contain an equal number of cards. Cards that cannot be divided evenly are discarded.

The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck and players hands. The player with the most cards in their food pile wins.

Graham Wood